TapData Cloud 3.5.15 Release Notes
Apr 26,2024

New Features:

  1. Added support for MySQL master-slave architecture, enabling synchronization tasks to sync data properly during MySQL master-slave switch.
  2. Added table-level breakpoint resume capability for data replication tasks, allowing tasks to resume synchronization directly from the unfinished tables upon restart.
  3. Added support for quick setting of task and connection labels through drag-and-drop.

Feature Enhancements:

  1. Added digital certificate signing for the Windows version of Agent, enhancing security during Agent installation.
  2. Optimized the user center page.

Issue Fixes:

  1. Fixed an issue where some events were not supported by Alibaba Cloud PolarDB MySQL, causing task errors.
  2. Fixed an issue where full-sync tasks were completed, but the progress indicator in the statistics displayed less than 100%.



Tapdata is a low-latency data movement platform that offers real-time data integration and services. It provides 100+ built-in connectors, supporting both cloud and on-premises deployment, making it easy for businesses to connect with various sources. The platform also offers flexible billing options, giving users the freedom to choose the best plan for their needs.

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